Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dig A Pony by The Beatles

For me, this is one of the coolest Beatles song. There's nothing too special about it really but I just love John Lennon's voice and the vocal harmonies during the chorus combining it with the gallopping guitar riff, bass drum and bass line.

I dig a pony
Well you can celebrate anything you want
Well you can celebrate anything you want
I do a road hog
Well you can penetrate any place you go
Yes you can penetrate any place you go
I told you, all I want is you.
Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it to

I pick a moondog
Well you can radiate ev'rything you are
Yes you can radiate ev'rything you are--
I roll a stoney
Well you can imitate ev'ryone you know
Yes you can imitate ev'ryone you know
I told you, all I want is you.
Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it to

I feel the wind blow
Well you can indicate ev'rything you see
Yes you can indicate ev'rything you see--
I dug a pony
Well you can syndicate any boat you row
Yes you can syndicate any boat you row
I told you, all I want is you.
Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it to

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