Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Let's Go Down to the Town Oasis by Papas Fritas

I'm not a big fan of Papas Fritas. I don't know much about them, except for hearing them on some magazines and online articles. I bought the "Pop Has Freed Us" album on a CD sale, thinking that it was a low risk buy. The song "Let's Go Down to the Town Oasis" is just pure pleasure. I tried to listen to the album on a bad day and this song instantly perked me up. I like the vibe, instrumentation and the vocal harmonies.

Let's go down to the town oasis
Meet you there at half past five
I'll bring cards, my hearts and aces
You bring yours and I'll bring mine

While we're there we'll catch a picture
Rest our feet and free our minds
Meet some friends we've known forever
Drink to me cause I'm not buying

Tell a tale drink an ale
A bottle of white wine
Tell a tale drink an ale
We all got the time

Here's our friend old Captain Kenny
Serves your drink with a crooked smile
Here's to him and here's to whiskey
Served straight up or in your eye

Why wait for rain when the sun's in the sky
Why look for pain in a smile

I don't think I'll be there tonight
Drink to me another time

Tell a tale drink an ale
A bottle of white wine
Tell a tale drink an ale
We all got the time
All we got is time

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